The prevailing narrative surrounding this game is that Joel Embiid exited with a minor knee injury prior to the end of the first quarter. Of course, the undiscerning sheeple which comprise the NBA fandom as a collective are eager to lap up this explanation with nary a second thought. Only DownToBuck and his faithful acolytes know the real truth, that Embiid was forced to the locker room after his ego sustained repeated blows from Robin Lopez, or, more specifically, the devastating hook shot mastery of Robin Lopez.
I fully expect to be silenced or “cancelled” for my revelation of the truth. If my YouTube channel suddenly disappears into the black hole of the internetubes, you’ll know it’s because Adam Silfraud has significant monetary interest in upholding the illusion that Joel Embiid DOESN’T get dominated by Robin Lopez on a regular basis. If it became widely known that Robin Lopez is actually significantly better than Joel Embiid, solely on the basis of his unstoppable hook shot and his cool hair thing, the NBA would be financially ruined.
Lopez’s hook shot is so aesthetically perfect that I made a “hookilation” for his 2018-19 campaign: . What you might not see in that video, unless you watch very closely for minute alterations to the pixels, is that 127 out of the 143 hook shots shown in that video were against Joel Embiid. I had to use my photoshop skills to make it look like players other than Embiid were getting “hook cooked” by Lopez. I did that because my original channel had been deleted not long before and I lived in fear of the NBA.