I’ve already bemoaned the lack of Ryan Anderson midrange touches this year, and resultingly, the impending lack of a mid-range-ilation when all is said and done. It’s too bad, because he has one of the finest Dirk-esque stepbacks in the league, rivaling even the master himself. That’s not how the Rockets play, though. But out of the ashes of this lost -ilation, rises a new potential -ilation to salve your wounds and ease your pain!
That’s right: a Ryan Anderson dunkilation! Wait, no. That’s actually wrong. If the dunk he had in this contest is anything to go by, it would be the lamest dunkilation ever committed to YouTube, except for all those Kawhi Leonard ones that I did (seriously he dunks it so lamely and people keep telling me he’s good come on now if he was good he would dunk it with more flair).
What I meant to say is a three-ilation. The amount of threes he takes from a significant distance beyond the line would make such a video required viewing for any NBA fan. The only question is if I do it before or after the upcoming James Harden free-throw-ilation.