Bogdan Bogdanovic 12 Points Kings Debut Full Highlights (10/23/2017)

I can’t decide if it’s good or bad that Bogdan Bogdanovic took 15 shots in 25 minutes in his NBA debut. On one hand, it’s nice to see confidence from a neophyte. On the other hand, chucking without hesitation isn’t the most desired trait in this modern NBA. On the third hand, he dominated Europe so he gets to do whatever he wants on one of the worst teams in the league.

Whatever the case, I’m sure I’m not alone in saying I hope he keeps this up. Serbian basketball needs a new face in the NBA, a fresh face that doesn’t look like a pillow stuffed with ground beef (Jokic) or a Neanderthal man from 100,000 B.C who stumbled out of a cave (Teodosic). Just look at Bogdanovic. That’s like a perfect look right there. Sharp haircut, trapezoidal visage, two eyeballs, I can get behind this dude being the Serb of the future.

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