Making this highlight package of Shabazz Napier brought to mind unwanted thoughts of Shabazz Muhammad. “Unwanted” not because of how much I dislike Muhammad, but unwanted because I saw how much of a beast he was at the end of the season for the Bucks and I don’t want to think about how unfair it is that he’s not in the NBA right now. I’m going to check how that dude is doing in China. How many ppgs is he acquiring? If it’s less than 40, I’m gonna be pissed. Be right back.
He’s averaging barely under 30 a game. In China. Honestly, he could average 30 per game in the NBA if given the ultimate green light, so this is not impressive at all. He did drop a 60-burger, but again, I bet he could do that in the NBA.
Shabazz “Shabazzle Dazzle” Napier, on the other hand, is not averaging any amount of points in China, is never going to drop a 60-burger here or anywhere unless he goes to the Philippines where he’d be a center, and still gets to play in the NBA despite being almost entirely ignored by everybody. Well, I’m still here and making videos for him, so he’s got that going for him.