Mo Bamba 15 Points/4 Blocks Full Highlights (2/26/2020)

Did anybody else besides me expect Mo Bamba to be a little bit…better? There was so much hype for him going into that draft last season. There was even a popular song based on him (a song which I have not yet heard, or if I have heard it I didn’t realize what I was listening too). But in the NBA, he’s been basically nothing. Khem Birch is ahead of him in the rotation for God’s sake.

Yeah, yeah, I know. He was a project player. He wasn’t supposed to be good right away. I can sense the Mo Bamba apologists getting ready to spring forth from their hidey-holes to put poor innocent DTB in his place for doubting the greatness of Bamba. Well those apologists can go back into their hidey-holes because I’m not even going to call Bamba the B word. You know, the word that rhymes with “crust” but starts with a B? I’m not even going to call him that. So everybody can calm down.

I think I’m spoiled by the large amount of rookies/second-year players who are making big impacts in the league right away. How can you blame me for wanting a bit more out of Bamba when Trae Young is out here averaging 30/10 and Luka Doncic is having an MVP caliber season pretty much averaging a thirty-point trippy-dubby? I’m trying to be patient over here but it’s hard when Bamba is being brought along so slowly. I swear, sometimes I think that Steve Clifford has unexpectedly died on the bench and that’s why he’s so reluctant to sub Bamba into the game.

For now, I’m just going to keep holding out hope that Bamba turns out to fulfill even 50% of the unreasonable amounts of expectations that were heaped upon him early. But if he doesn’t improve soon, I’m pulling out the B word and nobody’s going to stop me.

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