COVID-19 can kill a lot of things. It can kill economies. It can kill people. It can kill normal human society. But the one thing it cannot kill is CHIOZZANITY.
(In case you forgot, Chiozzanity is defined as extreme ardor for, bordering on obsession with, Brooklyn Nets point guard Chris Chiozza and his exploits on the basketball court.)
Chiozzanity is back in full effect with this performance. A career-high-tying fourteen points and a career-high-tying six assists? It’s fair to say that this is the best that we’ve ever seen Chiozza play. And now that he’s got a little bit of momentum going, I fully expect Chiozzanity to continue through the rest of the “regular season”. Then he’ll get exposed by the Bucks in the first round, and that’s when Chiozzanity will die, but I’ll have had my fill of it by then anyway. I can only shout “Chiozza for threeoza” at the top of my lungs so many times before my enthusiasm starts to drop.
By the way, what is it with Ian Eagle and his obsession with cheese in this game? Half of the commentary coming out of his mouth was cheese-related. Did he have a particularly cheesy piece of pizza for lunch that totally changed his life and outlook on things? I’m trying to think of what kind of cheese-related incident would cause my thought processes to become singularly cheese-focused (as has apparently happened to Eagle) and it would have to be something really traumatic/delicious like drowning in a vat of blue cheese dipping sauce while pretty girls from my high school graduating class are laughing at me.