I’m just going to put it out there: in the limited minutes Montrezl Harrell receives, he’s a beast. I don’t know what his defense is like (remember, DTB doesn’t care about defense), but his offensive game is all about POWER. He uses his POWER to over-POWER his POWER-less defenders. POWERFULLY (ignore all his hook shots…
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Montrezl Harrell 18 Points Full Highlights (2/9/2018)
Montrezl “Mon-Trezzle” Harrell has succeeded Blake Griffin as as high-flying, all-dunks power forward of the future in Clipperland. There’s just two problems with that statement. First, Harrell only had two dunks in this game, so calling him “all-dunks” is like calling me “all-fast-break-layups” because there was one time where I actually converted a fast-break layup…
Read MoreMontrezl Harrell 23 Points/4 Dunks Full Highlights (1/22/2018)
I don’t know how closely they compare as players, but what I do know is that Montrezl “Mon-Trezzle” Harrell pretty much replaces all the dunking that is missing from the Clippers’ lineup when DeAndre Jordan is out. He doesn’t care that he’s only six-foot-eight. He’ll dunk it anywhere, anytime, and he’ll make sure to mistreat…
Read MoreMontrezl Harrell 17 Points Full Highlights (1/13/2018)
There is an impatient knock at my door. Annoyed that somebody is disregarding my clearly posted “no solicitors” sign, I ignore the demand of my attention and continue the consumption of my gourmet breakfast: a personal creation called a “Pop-Tart Sandwich”, which is two of one flavor Pop Tart sandwiching one of another flavor Pop-Tart,…
Read MoreMontrezl Harrell 25 Points/5 Dunks Full Highlights (1/11/2018)
Montrezl “Montreal With a Z Instead of an A” Harrell was the clear beneficiary of Milos Teodosic’ slick passing tonight. I went through this vid and calculated it all up, and it turns out that he would have had negative 4 points if Teodosic wasn’t out there feeding him easy stuff right at the rim….
Read MoreMontrezl Harrell 22 Points Full Highlights (12/26/2017)
I figured that 22 points would be Montrezl “Mon-Trezzle” Harrell’s career high, but I just looked it up and it turns out that, last season, he scored 28 and 29 points on separate occasions in the span of a week. I had no recollection of those games from Harrell when I set out to make…
Read MoreMontrezl Harrell 15 Points/4 Dunks Full Highlights (12/16/2017)
I just love it when a big dude uses his mass to overpower another big dude in the post. If you watch this video (rather than just reading the description and then leaving, I know you degenerates are out there), you can observe how Montrezl “Mon-Trezzle” Harrell does exactly that against Jordan Mickey. It’s not…
Read MoreMontrezl Harrell 17 Points Full Highlights (12/11/2017)
Montrezl “Mon-Trezzle” Harrell is like the ultimate hustle player. Think back to the late great Jon Brockman. You think Brockman had lots of hustle? Harrell is like Brockman 2.0. No, Brockman 3.0. Not only is he Jon Brockman 3.0, but he’s also like a hybrid test tube baby of DeAndre Jordan and Blake Griffin. Given…
Read MoreMontrezl Harrell 16 Points Full Highlights (1/15/2017)
Just because Montrezl “Mon-Trezzle” Harrell has scored 28 and 29 points in separate games this year doesn’t mean I can’t make highlights when he scores just sixteen, right? He’s still an exciting and active player even when he’s not making every other big man on his team totally irrelevant through monster scoring performances. And, let’s…
Read MoreMontrezl Harrell 28 Points Full Highlights (1/7/2017)
Quick quiz: in light of Montrezl “Mon-Trezzle” Harrell putting up sick scoring games on a regular basis, how screwed is Clint Capela right now? a) Not screwed at all since he is better than Harrell and will prove it when he comes back from injury b) Only a little bit screwed because he can probably…
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