I drove the van through the night. Early in the journey, I had a pretty good idea of where we were and where Buddy was directing me to go, but by the time it started getting dark, I was totally lost. I don’t like to use my phone while driving (distracted driving is dangerous driving),…
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Buddy Hield All 278 Three-Pointers Full Highlights (2018-19 Season Three-ilation Part I)
Some very weird things have happened to your pal DTB in the past 48 hours. Before you get the whole story, however, you’re going to get a rundown of the weirdness that has been present in my life for nearly two years now. I live with a 12-foot-tall statue of Buddy Hield. He’s made out…
Read MoreBuddy Hield 27 Points Full Highlights (3/28/2019)
Today I overcame my fear and plugged in the custom cryptocurrency mining hardware that Buddy made for me. Buddy is my 12-foot-tall 3D-printed naked purple plastic statue of Buddy Hield and he’s basically a genius the likes of which could go toe-to-toe intellectually with any of the greatest thinkers of our time. One of the…
Read MoreBuddy Hield 25 Points/7 Threes Full Highlights (3/23/2019)
Yesterday, I told Buddy (my twelve-foot-tall 3D-printed purple plastic naked sentient statue of Buddy Hield that I mistakenly ordered from a custom 3D-printing place over a year ago) that he should invent his own cryptocurrency. The reason I told him to do that is so that we can do a “soft test” of his custom-designed…
Read MoreBuddy Hield 29 Points/7 Threes Full Highlights (3/21/2019)
Lately I’ve been having bad dreams about what transpired in the zoo parking lot on that fateful night a few months ago. The short version of the story is, I took me and Buddy (my twelve-foot-tall 3D-printed purple plastic naked sentient statue of Buddy Hield) to the big zoo in the big city to play…
Read MoreBuddy Hield 34 Points/7 Assists Full Highlights (3/14/2019)
I’m so conflicted right now. So, on one hand, I’ve got computational hardware in my possession that is so unbelievably powerful that, if I used it to mine Bitcoin, I would never have to worry about money ever again in my life. Assuming that I would mine close to 100% of the Bitcoin remaining to…
Read MoreBuddy Hield 28 Points/7 Assists Full Highlights (3/4/2019)
A few days ago, I put Buddy (my 12-foot-tall 3D-printed naked purple plastic statue of Buddy Hield) to work making me a whole bunch of extremely high-end graphics cards for me to mine Bitcoin with, as well as a server-class motherboard to house all the cards. Well, that part of my plot to become a…
Read MoreBuddy Hield 32 Points Full Highlights (2/27/2019)
So today I decided to move forward with my plan to control over 50% of the Bitcoin network’s mining hashrate. I went out to the local used computer store and asked them if they had any spare motherboards or anything else with a PCB that I could have. The guy at the store gave me…
Read MoreBuddy Hield 34 Points Full Highlights (2/23/2019)
During the All-Star break I had some much-needed downtime to set up my new Bitcoin-mining enterprise. In case you forgot all the details from the last time I was talking about it, basically what happened is that Buddy (my twelve-foot-tall 3D-printed purple plastic naked sentient statue of Buddy Hield) built a hyper-advanced video card for…
Read MoreBuddy Hield 25 Points Full Highlights (2/13/2019)
It’s Valentine’s day. That fact doesn’t matter so much to me, since my steadfast refusal to become involved romantically with women means that I have nobody to celebrate this so-called “holiday” with. However, on this most romantic and cuddly of nights, I start to wonder about my 12-foot-tall 3D-printed sentient naked purple plastic statue of…
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