Manu Ginobili 17 Points Full Highlights (3/3/2012)

“That was a good game,” Manu thought, as he walked to his car in the parking lot. “I scored a lot of points. Seventeen in the first half, wow! But I could really use a good steak right now.” He pulled out his phone, intending to call Frederico, his personal assistant and chef.

“Mew! Mew!”

Manu looked down to see a brown cat staring at him from underneath a car. He put his phone away.

“Mew! MEW!!!!”

The cat obviously wanted something. Just attention probably. Manu took a few deliberate steps towards it, not wanting to scare it away. When the cat showed no reaction, Manu walked fully up to it. “Hello little kitty. My name’s Manu and I’m from Argentina. What’s your name?”


“I didn’t understand that, but I’m going to call you “Cinnamon Bun”, okay? Does that sound good to you?”

The cat took a few steps out from underneath the car and arched its back, purring. Manu scooped it up in his arms, intending to take it back to his lavish uptown condominium. “Oh Cinnamon Bun, we will have so much fun together. Frederico will prepare you a delicious fish dinner when we get home, and then I’ll make you a nest of blankets that you can curl up in.”

The cat purred uncontrollably and started flexing its paws as Manu walked to his car. He pulled out his phone again, this time dialing his teammate Stephen Jackson.

“Hey Stephen, this is Manu. You told me to get some pussy tonight, well, I’m getting some right now.”

Jackson laughed heartily. “That’s my dawg! That’s my dawg! Gino’s a straight pimp! What’s that purring noise?”

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