Carlos Boozer @MisterCBooz 11 May
just cuz my name is carlos dont mean im hispanic smh #smh
Carlos Boozer @MisterCBooz 11 May
damn @NazrMohammed just went fuckin crazy lol #terrorists #alqaeda
Carlos Boozer @MisterCBooz 11 May
@carmeloanthony my jumpers taste like honeynut cheerios cuz guess where my hands been #tunatown
Carlos Boozer @MisterCBooz 11 May
@LuolDeng9 we could use u man, u still got da meningitis? #spinaltap
Carlos Boozer @MisterCBooz 11 May
i wish derrick wud play #shoecompaniescontrolthenba
Carlos Boozer @MisterCBooz 11 May
i just took a three rofl #kylekorverimpersonations except it dident go in so more like #andrewbynumimpersonations lol #lol
Carlos Boozer @MisterCBooz 11 May
Check out for the best NBA highlights on the internet. #carlospleasegivemetenthousanddollars
Carlos Boozer @MisterCBooz 11 May
I think I got hacked. DownToBuck, god dammit, fine, I’ll give you the $10,000, just please give me back my god damn account and stop screwing around. #extortion