Al-Farouq Aminu 18 Points/12 Rebounds Full Highlights (1/29/2014)

I have some advice for you guys: never, EVER, post your basketball thoughts on the internet. Here’s a gem I posted before the 2010 draft:

“alfarooq aminu is gonna b a total beast in the nba. he has all the tolls to preform at the next level. the skys the limit 4 this kid. for nba comparisons, i would say alex english with better defnse and rebounding, or josh smith wit a smoother jumpshot. aminus floor is probebly a solid 20/10 guy with two or 3 blocks…have u seen his length??? 😮

as long as this kid put in da work neccessessary and bulk up a bit, he goin 2 dominate the nba in a few yrs. he is a guarntied all star. i would bet on it but last time i bet real mony here, the hardass mods banned me and i had 2 creat a new acount LOL 😀

P.S. ballerdude111, aminu is not a tweener, just shut up real men r talking here. evry time u open ur mouth u just look stupid.”

I am so embarrassed. But I don’t feel too bad: before the draft, draftexpress listed Aminu’s worst-case scenario as Thaddeus Young. JESUS CHRIST

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