Amar’e Stoudemire 22 Points/5 Dunks Full Highlights (3/21/2014)

That fat lady is still up there, singing her heart out. Amar’e Stoudemire still has something to offer a team.

Is that team the Knicks? Probably. His unique skillset of not playing defense and getting hot once every other game is well suited to the Knicks. If he got traded to, say, a contender, they would have almost no use for him. And everyone knows that while a team might be kind of intrigued by him as a player, that giant growth attached to his back called a “contract” is a significant deterrent. Yeah, Stoudemire is probably staying in New York until that unsightly tumor clears itself up.

While he’s there, though, we can enjoy this glimpses into the ability of his former self. 5 dunks? I didn’t see any plays where he could have dunked it but didn’t, so I’d say this game was analogous to a game he might have had in Phoenix.

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