Is it too late to give Gorgui Dieng the rookie of the year award? It is? Damn. Cause he’s been seriously impressive lately. He needs to win something.
Screw it. DownToBuck is making his own award. It’s gonna be called DTB’s Award for Excellence at the End of the Season When Games Don’t Really Matter Anymore. No trophy or anything, just a twelve pack of cheap beer with a sticky note attached detailing the prize, sent to the lucky winner.
Ray McCallum is close, but I have to give this one to Dieng. As I said, and as I’m sure you know, and as the video title suggests, he’s playing great to finish up the season. He apparently can do it all: post moves and dunks, long jumpers and even longer jumpers, huge blocks and pinpoint passes. These aren’t the usual crappy assists of a center. Must have been watching Dennis Awtrey highlights or something.