Austin Rivers 16 Points Full Highlights (11/11/2015)

Austin Rivers squirmed and grimaced in his bed. The tormenting dreams were back again. Finally, his eyes flew open, and the terror of the dream caused him to burst into tears. “Daddy! Daddy!”

Doc Rivers came running into his son’s bedroom, flipped on the light, and immediately put a comforting arm around Austin’s shoulders. “What’s wrong, Austin?”

“I had another bad dream,” Austin said waterily. “I dreamed you traded me to the Celtics and then they put me in the D-League. It was so scary, in the D-League they make you run until you puke and then they lock you up in the closet if you miss a shot. My coach didn’t do nothing but yell at me. Dad, I don’t wanna go to the D-League!”

“I know, Austin, I know,” Doc consoled. “But it was just a dream. I would never trade you to a team who would put you in the D-League.”

“But what if you did?” Austin cried. “I was so scared, daddy. None of my teammates liked me. I like the Clippers a lot better.”

Doc patted his son’s shoulder. “As you should. Now, do you think you can go back to sleep?”

“Mm-hmm,” Austin nodded, the malice of the dream already being overcome by encroaching sleepiness.

“Okay. No more bad dreams!”

Austin curled back up under the sheets. “No more bad dreams,” he concurred, before resuming his sleep.

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