Has a three-person commentary team ever succeeded in the NBA? This is a serious question posed in a serious manner. Because, honestly, every time a team tries to field three TV commentators at the same, it just totally sucks. There’s a color-man, and there’s an analyst. What’s the third person? Random jokes guy? Player anecdotes guy? Former coach talking X’s and O’s guy?
In the Hornet’s case, it’s “random babbling and giggling woman.” Woman commentators aren’t terrible by default, but this one sure is. Just like with all three-person commentary teams, she has no idea when it’s her turn to speak, so she’s quiet for long stretches before randomly talking about some stupid non-subject for fifteen seconds.
I understand that commentary is a hard job that a lot of people fail at. Remember, I had to listen to Sidney Moncrief yell “Excuse me! Open the door and let me in!” after a dunk of the year candidate. He got canned quick. If Stephanie Ready doesn’t show any improvement this year, she’s gonna be out of the league quicker than Aaron Harrison.
However, that annoying third Mavs guy is still around and I’ve given up hope of him ever getting kicked out.