What’s going on here? I really thought that Ben McLemore had turned the corner last year, and by this year would be Ray Allen 0.6 or so. Instead, he’s playing way less and randomly getting inserted and uninserted into the starting lineup. I do have some ideas for reasons as to why this may be:
-Something called a James Anderson
-Commentators stopped saying how much confidence he was showing, causing his confidence to lower
-Rajon Rondo messes stuff up everywhere he goes, no reason it should be different in Sactown
-George Karl is definitely NOT one of the reasons
-Team-only meetings make him nervous
Tonight was a jarring reminder with how far he has fallen; not once but twice did the commentators mention how much confidence he was showing, in a desperate bid to raise said confidence. I thought we moved passed that stage of his development, where everything is tied to his confidence levels, but here we are.