Shilling for McDonalds’ food products is a plague which is overtaking NBA commentary crews nationwide. First it was the Jazz commentators talking about how much they love McFlurries even though a neutral third party would doubtlessly find the consuption of a McFlurry akin to eating a bowl of wallpaper paste. Now it’s the Blazers commentators pumping up McDonalds’ new all-day breakfast even though it sucks.
The all-day breakfast doesn’t even count because it’s not the full breakfast menu. That’s like if Burger King said they had their lunch menu all day just because you can order a Whopper at 5:00 AM if you want. But that’s not even what I’m mad about. Neither am I mad about the fact that some senile old man on TV likes the sausage McMuffin with egg. People are allowed to have opinions.
Okay, I admit, that makes me a little mad because egg is for losers.
The real disgusting thing here is that the Blazers are owned by Paul Allen, who’s a billionaire, but somebody somewhere in the organization decided that they needed to make more money by shilling for McDonald’s during every broadcast.
I hope somebody kicks Paul Allen in the nards. Then I’d really be “lovin’ it”.