I’m done waiting. I want Jabari Parker to be a beast right now, I don’t want to have to deal with this pesky “winning games” business. How is he supposed to be a beast if he can’t even just take the ball and shoot it whenever he wants? Andrew Wiggins didn’t have to deal with this, and see where it got him? He’s averaging 20 a game. That’s what I have in mind for Jabari.
Him and Giannis, all day long. Shooting all the shots, telling Bayless to screw off, telling Middleton to wait in the corner until they pass it to him. Take turns iso-ing. This strategy would lead to approximately 3 wins over the rest of the season, but who cares? If the Bucks get lucky they could add Ben Simmons, and then we’d really be talking.
I should be a GM.