Dorian Finney-Smith 12 Points Full Highlights (12/9/2016)

Dorian Finney-Smith just tallied a new career-high of twelve points after scoring eleven points a week ago. This is what is called “progress”. You might not have heard of it considering you’ve made none of it either in your romantic or professional life. Watching NBA highlight videos on the internet doesn’t count as any kind of progress except maybe as progress towards your inevitable (and perhaps secretly desired?) death.

DFS (that’s an acronym for Dorian Finney-Smith in case you couldn’t figure it out dummy) knows exactly what progress is and he’s making it every game that he plays. That’s because he knows how to grab hold of his dreams and achieve them. Those are things that you are unable to do because of your chronic lack of willpower or ambition. That’s okay. Not everybody can make their dreams come true like DFS did and continues to do. I bet he scores thirteen or more at some point this season. And it’s not because the Mavs are tanking. It’s because he’s making progress as a player and as a human being, a contributing member to the collective mankind.

And because the Mavs are tanking.

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