Next step for Troy Daniels after finally breaking his way into the Grizzlies’ rotation: some god-damn consistency!
Easier said than done. After Daniels’ mini-streak of good games, he dropped off again, scoring 5 three games in a row. He then had 20 (I forgot to do highlights for that one, my sincerest apologies), 13, then a big round goose egg. And now 24? Shooters get hot and cold, which is why Daniels, to attain consistency, needs to add aspects to his game.
Aspects like… dunking!
DeAndre Jordan is super consistent, and the reason is because he can just dunk it whenever he feels like it. Which is often. If Daniels just decided to dunk it all the time, I bet we would hardly ever see single-digit scoring games out of him. Forget when I said “easier said than done”. That was wrong, because this is about as easy as it gets. The concept of dunking is super simple, way simpler than shooting threes.
I’m not saying Daniels has to stop shooting threes. Not saying that at all. That’s why he’s in the league in the first place. But dunking is a skill that a lot of good players have that helps them achieve goodness. It would be foolish to not even try.