Quick quiz: how paid is JaMychal Green gonna get this offseason?
a.) hella paid
b.) moderately paid
c.) minimally paid
d.) depends on how paid you get when you go to Europe
e.) not paid
f.) Jennifer left me
I probably should have said this earlier, but I’m debuting a new quiz format starting with this quiz about the future paid status of JaMychal Green. The format is: if you give the wrong answer, you DIE. And if you’ve already come up with an answer in your head without submitting it, you don’t get to evade the consequences. You still die. This is way worse than previous DTB quizzes, when wrong answerers would merely have their YouTube accounts deleted or have ten orders of wings prank-delivered to their homes.
For your sake, I really hope you answered b. If you answered anything else, you can expect death to visit you personally within the next 24 hours. Get to work on that bucket list fam.