Georgios Papagiannis 14 Points Full Highlights (3/18/2017)

This game marks day one of a new epoch. Not just a new epoch, even; a new era truly has dawned this day. Future historians will look back on this day and wonder how the unenlightened denizens of that time reacted to happenings of such enormous consequence. Let this video be a testament to our wonder, amazement, and optimism when faced with occurrences that will shift the very winds of civilization.

Yes, my friends, it has begun. The era of the Greek Twin Towers of Sacramento. The eighth wonder of the world, surpassing the Colossus of Rhodes, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and all other meager human accomplishments.

Right now it might not seem like much. Neither Kosta Koufos nor Georgios “The Big Gyro” Papagiannis stuffs the stat sheet in a traditional way. But what they lack in box score stats, they make up for in immense Greekness. The power of the ancient Greek gods flows through them in ways that centers of other nationalities envy and covet. Separated, they are competent role players, but combined, they present a force unstoppable, a bond unbreakable, and a future unsurpassed in brightness.

It begins now. The Greek Twin Towers will never be toppled and the radiant glory of Hellas will never dim.

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