I am disappointed to see that Robert Covington is only 32nd in the league in terms of threes attempted per minute. If you restrict that to actual players who play real minutes (RIP Alec Peters/Ryan Arcidiacono), he still comes in at only 15th. That’s not good enough. At 50 percent from deep on the year, he’s shooting better than everyone in his attempts range. Here’s the sitch: in case he forgot, he’s Robert Covington. Fastest gun in the East. He can shoot it, whenever, wherever, and it has at least a fighting chance of going on. The ideal 76ers offense that I’m envisioning goes something like this: Ben Simmons dribbles the ball up the court, and as soon as he can finds Covington behind the arc so he can shoot a three. 7 seconds or less baby.
Second topic: seeing Covington in the three-point contest this year would be dope. His form is frickin’ A E S T H E T I C. It’s like a work of art, and it’s made for the shootout. That is all.