Darren Collison 23 Points Full Highlights (1/18/2018)

I want to give a shout-out to my mans Darren Collison for hitting nothing but jumpshots last night. I would also like to award Collison with a secondary shout-out for only getting three assists, which means I only had to show his scoring in this video. He receives an unheard-of THIRD shout-out for not shooting any free-throws. If I had to come up with a Darren Collison highlight performance that exactly fit my needs as a highlight compiler, all three of those things would be involved. Collison deserves to be shouted out for last night’s jimbofest.

At age thirty, Collison is having by far the most efficient scoring season of his career. There’s still not many people out there who pay attention to how solid he’s been, and my creation of this highlight video probably won’t move the needle much in terms of Darren Collison awareness, but that’s fine. Sometimes it’s fun to know about a low-key good player that nobody else realizes exists. It’s just a natural human tendency to want to feel intellectually superior over other humans.

P.S. Darren Collison beat up his wife.

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