Luke Kennard 16 Points Full Highlights (3/20/2018)

The Pistons are getting to the point where they should give up trying to win games and just develop some talent for next year. Note that this different from tanking. They are way too far ahead (behind) of the other tanking teams for additional losing to help their draft slot. There is a subtle difference between tanking and trying to develop talent because you traded it all/traded the draft picks to get it so you could acquire a dramatically declining Blake Griffin.

Luke Kennard is already getting appropriate minutes at this point. He could be more aggressive shooting the ball, because that’s what he is, a ball-shooter, but I can’t complain about him being held down anymore. Henry Ellenson, though, he needs to play. Him and… uh. Where’s the rest of the young talent? I seriously thought there was one more young prospect I was forgetting about. Detroit is so screwed. Oh my god. Better hope Stanley Johnson suddenly finds an offensive game in his back pocket or we’re looking at 8th seeds for the next five years. At best.

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