The chances of playoff Nikola Jokic being unleashed upon an unsuspecting (actually not so unsuspecting since he had those monster games on national TV) audience are growing slimmer and slimmer. This win helped, but the odds aren’t good at all. Remember: this is all Paul Millsap’s fault. Realistically, Jokic shares some blame because he can’t really play defense at all, but do you think I’m going to mention that in this description? Heck to the no.
This is another game where Jokic didn’t put up a huge statline, but wowed the crowd with some amazing highlight plays. I, personally, would trade 5 normal Jokic jumpers for 1 dipsy-doo crazy Jokic move, so this is good for me. I don’t think he did anything tonight in a normal manner. He was putting on a show, and the Serbians in attendance were appreciative.
Sometimes I wonder if Jokic ever gets tired of being the object that all this nationalistic fervor is projected upon? Eh. Probably not.