Frank Mason Career High 18 Points/6 Assists Full Highlights (10/19/2018)

If you notice that this video is perhaps more shoddily-edited than usual, I apologies. You see, there was a very urgent situation in the DTB household that demanded 75% of my attention, with only 25% of my remaining attention being devoted to the highlights-creation process. I know you’re curious what kind of emergency could have caused my focus to so completely vanish, so I’ll spare you the suspense:

It was snowing. As in real-life snowflakes falling on the ground.

I love snow. It’s the best thing ever. To have an actual snow shower in mid-October is like if Christmas randomly arrived in August and everybody in your circle of acquaintances gave you a $100 Amazon gift card. When there is snow falling outside and there is enough light outside to see it, I pretty much just sit there and watch it. Making highlight videos, or doing anything else really, is an afterthought in my mind when it’s snowing.

Now it’s done snowing and I can focus on this description a little bit more, but the residual afterglow of the snow still has me in a semi-euphoric state. And that’s why I have nothing meaningful at all to say about Frank Mason, who had a career high and maybe played the best game of his life. Such an occurrence probably deserves more analysis than I’m able to give, and for that, I again am sorry.

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