Here’s the deal: if I was coaching kids’ basketball, and one of the kids had as flat an arc on his jumpshot as Ricky Rubio does, I would, to the detriment of all the other kids, put all of my coaching effort into getting that kid to shoot the ball correctly. Nobody deserves to live a life of having shots rim out because they shoot it so flatly. I’ve seen a lot of guys at the park and at the gym miss shots unnecessarily because they ignore the teachings of Jon McGlocklin and fling the ball straight at the rim.
I did once try to coach kids’ basketball but it didn’t really work out for me. I’m a dangerously skinny individual, so most of the middle-schoolers were actually bigger than me. That resulted in them not really respecting my authority as a coach even though I was the purest jumpshooter in the gym by a lot. The seventh-grade C team went 1-15 that year, and I think overall we maybe made five jumpshots the entire season, but it’s not because I didn’t try to instill proper technique in them. I guess if I wanted to coach actually talented players I would have to get promoted to the B team, but the sports coordinator at that school totally hated me. I think she was jealous of my YouTube highlights empire.
Anyway, none of those kids was even close to the point where I had the chance to correct the amount of arc on their shot. They couldn’t even dribble or make layups. Meanwhile the other schools’ C-teams had all the fundamentals down and were even running plays. The only play I could get my kids to run was “have the short fat kid cherry-pick because he’s too slow and little to defend anything, so he might as well not even run back”, but even that didn’t work because he was too dumb to make a layup. I think he’s the reason why I quit. I hate you Tyler.
None of that really has anything to do with Ricky “The Suave Spaniard” Rubio and his Spanish sexy eyes, but I had to get it off my chest.