Malik Beasley 24 Points Full Highlights (3/4/2020)

My dream is for Malik Beasley to establish himself as a legit 20 PPG per game scorer for the Timberwolves not just for the end of this season but for future seasons as well. He will be the perfect second banana to KAT in a way that Andrew Wiggins just was never able to be. He’ll be like prime Kevin Martin but with a more orthodox jumpshot and slightly upgraded playmaking ability. That is my dream.

My other dream, which I just had last night, is that I have a bunch of pet raccoons playing around in a swimming pool full of Sprite (the soft drink, not the water nymph). For some reason, I keep referring to the raccoons as my “cats” even though I can clearly see that they are not cats, and even in the dream I am definitely aware that they are raccoons. Then, at the end of the dream, I allow myself to dip a cup into the raccoon-tainted Sprite swimming pool and drink some of it because I was the one who poured all the two-liter bottles of Sprite into the pool in the first place, so I deserve a treat. And that’s where the dream ends.

I have no idea what that second dream meant (I don’t even like Sprite – if I want a citrusy soda, it’s gotta be Sun Drop), but the first one has a pretty clear meaning. Also, the first one wasn’t a “dream” per se as it didn’t come to me as I was sleeping. I rarely dream about NBA players. If I dream about basketball at all it’s usually a weird pseudo-nightmare where the ball is too heavy and I can’t dribble or shoot it.

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