Grayson Allen looks like the kind of dude who would write a manifesto.
Am I the only one seeing this? He’s got “manifesto-writer” written all over his face and probably the rest of his body too. You think about dudes who have written manifestos in the past, and then you think about Grayson Allen, and you pretty quickly come to the conclusion that there’s not much difference between the two.
The topic of the manifesto that Allen has written/will write in the future is still up for debate. It could be about digging up alien artifacts in your backyard. Or dismantling the federal reserve and installing the cryptocurrency Chainlink as the official currency of New America. Or a new religion based on the concept of “Spirit Points”, which serve to turn life into a sort of grand game show where the prize is eternal salvation on a hidden tenth planet called “Ignos”. It could be something else entirely. But you just know that there’s gonna be a manifesto getting anonymously published to the internet with Grayson Allen’s name right on the front cover.