Big props going out right now to Grayson Allen. He really seemed like one of those players who would be pretty fun and good in college, but whose game would completely fail to translate, leaving him either toiling in the G-League, scraping around for 10-days, or playing for some team in Europe and having a solid career. But no! He’s still totally in the NBA, so totally in the NBA that he’s not even really in danger of not totally being in the NBA.
Unfortunately, I’ve been giving out way too many props lately (T.J. Warren has been receiving the bulk of them, what a stud), and I’ve actually run out of physical props to give to Allen. So he’ll have to settle for some prop IOUs. Those will be redeemable for real props once I get a restock.
Allen’s place in the NBA will be even more secure if he can really nail down that three-ball of his. Life is hard for a 6-4 (random thought: is 6-4 like the least common in NBA height? way too tall to be a PG, but way too short for a SG) dude in the NBA who can’t shoot threes at a high level. 6 of 7 from three tonight is a good sign, bringing him to right near 40 percent on the season, but I need more. These days, in this modern NBA, 6 threes is nothing. NOTHING.