It’s sad to say, but in my state of semi-retirement, I find that I have completely (and possibly… irrevocably???) lost my ability to remember where all the apostrophes in NBA players’ names go. It wasn’t always my strongest area of NBA knowledge, but over time I developed an extremely solid understanding of which NBA players had randomly-placed apostrophes in their names, and where those apostrophes were placed. Randomly. Such apostrophic knowledge was unmatched by any other in the entire NBA sphere; it may shock you, but I once saw Zach Lowe spell it “Ama’re Stoudemire”.
And now it’s gone. Here are the rough drafts of the title of this video, presented so that you may understand the addledness of my tormented mind:
“DeAnthony Melton 23 Points Full Highlights (3/29/2021)”
“D’Anthony Melton 23 Points Full Highlights (3/29/2021)”
“DAnthony Mel’ton 23 Points Full Highlights (3/29/2021)”
“De’Anthony Melt’on 23 Points Full Hi’ghlights (3/29/2021)”
“De’Ant’hon’y Melt’on 2’3 Po’ints Full Hi’ghl’ights (3/2”9/2021)”
I finally gave up and just looked up Melton’s name on basketball-reference. The previous version of DownToBuck, the fully non-retired version, would have NEVER given up like that. He would’ve spent the appropriate amount of time accessing his mental apostrophe database to determine, factually, the correction location of the apostrophe in De’Anthony Melton’s name.
I blame Jahm’ius Ramsey for this.