Marvin Williams 27 Points Full Highlights (3/11/2017)

Last season, by this time in the year, I was getting pissed at how many Marvin “W-Marv” Williams highlights I was having to do. The deal with W-Marv is that he doesn’t have any fans anymore. It seemed like he was scoring 22 every game, and every time he did I was forced to make a vid for it, a vid that no one would watch. FORCED. You think I had a choice in the matter? Think again, bucko.

Happily, W-Marv heard my complaints and while he’s still averaging about the same amount of points per game, he’s more of a “score 11 every single game” guy than a “score 24 one game and 3 the next” guy. Great! The vid count for him this year is way, way down, but my subscriber count has only gone up. Correlation equals causation is what my professors told me, so I’m gonna guess that the lack of W-Marv action on this channel is driving my increasing popularity.

Please don’t unsub when you see these highlights. I promise I won’t make any more.

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