Ricky Rubio 22 Points/8 Assists Full Highlights (3/11/2017)

I simply refuse to believe the rumors that the Timberwolves were looking to trade Ricky Rubio, either before the season or at the trade deadline. Those Rubio for Rose rumors had to have been made up by some writer looking for attention. There’s no way that the Wolves FO/Thibs would be that stupid, right?

After tonight’s game, his best shooting performance of the season, Rubio’s field-goal percentage inches ever close to that elusive .400 mark. Combine that not-worst-in-the-league shooting with his elite playmaking, and I can’t think of too many more players who are as good a fit with Minnesota he is. Hence why their GM would never, ever even entertain the notion of trading him. Ever. Hopefully.

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