Dënniß ßchrööder’s stats have definitely benefited from him getting his own team this season. Well, like half a team. The other half is Paul Millsap’s. But it’s still a lot more than he had before, when Jeff Teague was taking all his partially-deserved minutes. It’s still up for debate whether his preponderance of stats means he’s actually a good player, but in any case, he’s got so many stats that he’s probably going to end up statting his way out of DownToBuck’s scrub-and-role-player rotation.
ßchrööder is now at the point in his career where he can get stats while not even having a good game. That wasn’t the case this game, but it was definitely the case last game. It takes a certain kind of player to put up numbers while not affecting the game, and I think he is that kind of player. That’s a good thing, too. All the good and great players in the league have that attribute.
ßchrööder’s early barrage of scoring pretty much killed the Wizards right away; they had no hope of coming back after Atlanta’s dominating first quarter. I would’ve liked to see him go a little crazier with the scoring, maybe hit 40, but it was not to be. These darn blowouts always leave me somewhat disappointed.