Jrue Holiday 34 Points/11 Assists Full Highlights (11/9/2017)

One of the underrated storylines in the NBA here at the beginning of the year is that Justin Holiday is outscoring his way-better-at-basketball brother Jrue Holiday. Underrated as in I don’t think I’ve seen anyone mention it. They’ve mentioned that Jrue is kind of sucking and that Justin is kind of chucking, but they haven’t but those two things together to show that our preconceived ideas of who the better bro is are totally wrong.

This is not a great sign for Pelicans fans, since Jrue just signed a mondo contract that guarantees him 25 million a year for five years. He’s still at an age where players can be expected to not regress into dust, so his regression means that the Davis-Cousins combo has to do basically everything.

Until tonight, where Jrue channeled his inner Harden and dropped 34 points and 11 assists. Does this mean he’s too good for my channel now? The problem with him last year is that he’d have this kind of game all the time and no one really cared. But now that he sucks… god damn it.

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