I’m still recovering from that game where Wayne Selden exploded, literally exploded, the largest part of him they found was a section of jawbone and a toe, the rest of him was atomized into a fine red mist, it was gruesome and horrible and I wish I could unsee it but I can’t, but before he exploded he scored 31 points in one of the greatest unexpected scoring displays of the season. I’m still recovering from both those things. The explosion, and the EXPLOSION.
This performance makes that game look a little less anomalous. 17 points, it’s not that big of a leap from 17 to 31. At the same time, it’s 17 points. For Wayne Selden. Those who watched him at Kansas and we’re total homers and got themselves overhyped for his prospects in the NBA, those people probably expected something like this. Other people, probably not. Me, I’m just noticing how much he looks like Rashad Vaughn (even the shooting form is the same) and wondering why Vaughn can’t be getting these kind of minutes.