After a brief period of interior turmoil, the Cavaliers are happy again. Waiters gets to come off the bench and chuck without fear of being shut out by Kyrie. No one is getting punched anymore. They might not be winning games, but you gotta take these kind of things one at a time.
And Waiters is playing better now, better enough that the pick doesn’t seem as bad as it did initially. The Cavs needed a shooting guard, and they got a decent one. Who else should they have picked? Lillard? Overrated. Drummond? Everyone missed on that one. Barnes? And you think Waiters is inconsistent. Turkyilmaz? He would have been a serious reach at 4th overall.
Now if only he would lose a little bit of that chub he has going on. It can’t be good for his explosiveness. It’s gotten to the point where I can barely tell him and Bennett apart on the court.