Danuel House 19 Points Full Highlights (8/20/2020)

At the point when Danuel House scored his final points at the line, giving him 19 for the game, James Harden was sitting at a nice, even 10. It was really looking like House would be the undisputed GOAT of this game, the leading scorer of a balanced attack that the Thunder had no answers for.

Then Harden went and scored a bunch of points, ending up at 21 while House chilled out and stopped scoring.

So there went my narrative for the game. I’m still gamely trying to use it, as you can plainly see, but it’s not nearly as cool for House to be only the second-leading scorer for Houston. Him outscoring Harden in a playoff win? That’s the stuff legends are made of. That’s the stuff 30-for-30s are made of.

It’s also what DownToBuck vids are made of, but that was going to be the case as soon as he crossed the 18-point threshold, no matter if Harden had 5 or 55.

All clips property of the NBA. No copyright infringement is intended.

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