Last time I made an Andrew Nicholson video, I wrote some dope rhymes in the description. At that moment, thanks to the quality of my flow, I was in talks with many large rap labels to get signed. Well, it happened. And I don’t mean to gloat, but I have a lot of money right now. Destitution and poverty is behind me; ahead, a vibrant future where I get paid huge piles of cash to write sick raps about NBA players.
We’re actually working on a music video right now. My man Nickles is going to be in it, and we’re trying to line up Ersan “ill”yasova as well. Here’s how it’s going to go down: we all sit in a pimped-out car and ride around while cameras film us and I say the rap. We’ll all have the Ilyasova glasses on. There might be some hot chicks too. It’s going to be dope to the max.
They moved me out to LA so I guess now I’m a Lakers fan. It’s pretty nice but I’m already missing Wisconsin (or as I call it, “Wiscompton”). I hung out with Jay-Z and some other big names last night, but I have to say, they seemed kind of intimidated by my sudden and immense success. I’m probably richer than all of them right now. I don’t blame them for being jealous.
Don’t worry though, I’ll always keep making these highlight videos. The world would truly be a sadder place if Nickles’ four blocks didn’t get uploaded to the You Tubes.
All clips property of the NBA. No copyright infringement is intended. But I could probably buy the whole NBA right now, what with my huge amount of money and all.