Chase Budinger 24 Points/5 Threes Full Highlights (4/4/2014)

Chase “Chasetity Belt” Budinger has been injured for a bunch of the season, a fact which is often brought up by Wolves fans in defense of their disappointing record. Usually in conjunction with the health woes of other, better players, but still. Once you start bringing up Budinger as an excuse you sound desperate.

He’s been getting injured for a while now, so it’s not unexpected that he’ll miss a lot of games. But even when healthy, he’s merely okay. He’s supposedly a great leaper but that fact hardly ever shines through during the actual game, and with the knee problems he now prefers his jumper, and even that has been iffy.

He had a good game tonight, scoring a season high 24 points, and throwing down a clutch dunk in overtime. It was a dunk unbecoming of a dunk-contest participant, but his mashed potato knees won’t let him do anything really spectacular.

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