I don’t blame Alex Len at all. If I was getting dunked on time after time with no end in sight, it would take a lot less than an errant arm to the head before I started getting violent with people. I would be shoving and swearing the first time somebody grazed me with their hand.
Actually, I would probably just start crying, because that’s what happens when I get frustrated. I’d probably also kick the ball as hard as I could so somebody would have to go get it.
Since DownToBuck is a well-known psychologist, I can state with certainty that Len’s response was merely an attempt to assert his manliness in a situation where his manliness was being eroded. I mean, if you’re getting dunked on, you look like a wimp, even if you really are doing a lot to prevent the dunk. Len’s feelings of worthlessness probably stem from growing up with a distant father, as well as several older brothers who went into traditionally manly professions, like lumberjacking, professional wrestling, and motorcycle daredevilling.
Whiteside is merely a spectator in Len’s moral quandary where he tries to find his place in the world, a world where his father doesn’t really love him.