Tony “Snells Like Teen Spirit” Snell: should he have stuck with the braids yeah or nah? He’s already distinctive in appearance, but those things just put him over the top. He had the killer trifecta of:
1. Being blacker than an oil spill at midnight during an eclipse
2. Having a face that looks like it was stretched out by the hand of God himself
3. Having a hairstyle that, as far as I know, was never cool in any time period
Now he only has the first two, which is still good, but not AS good. Since he’s now a real professional NBA player and not just a rookie, we’ll probably never see the braids again, but we can still have hope that he will maybe grow a goatee or something. I’m currently in the process of gathering up all my spare hope and putting in a little pile. That’s how much I want this to happen.