Alec Burks 24 Points Full Highlights (11/10/2015)

I’m not even going to discuss Alec Burks in this description. No, this description is going to talk about the state of TV commentary in the Utah Jazz organization.

Frankly, the Jazz commentators just gargle huge taint.

I know it’s not their fault that they have to talk about Mountain America Credit Union after every made three, but if I were them I would just blurt it really fast and then get back to calling the action. Instead, they treat the advertising jargon as part of the call, complete with emphasis-adding voice inflections. “Learn MORE at Em Ay Cee You…dot COM!!!”

They’re also contractually obligated to talk about McDonald’s at every possible second. So if somebody dunks it especially hard, they’re supposed to say “I’m loving it.” That’s fine. A lot of teams have to do that. But these guys go one step further and talk about how much they like McFlurries and french fries. I should have left it in the video because it was a disgusting homage to how sports and commercialism have become intertwined. McFlurries are objectively gross. You don’t have to pretend to like them so that McDonald’s will keep sponsoring your team.

And calling Burks “Houdini”? Barf.

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