I was going to make a description comparing various Grizzlies players to characters from Game of Thrones, but then I ran into a serious and insurmountable problem: I’ve never watched Game of Thrones and only know a smattering of plot details. A “smattering” meaning “none”. Dammit! I don’t know how some people can consume both the NBA and GoT at the same time. Way too much to keep track of in both cases, much less combined. Here’s a sample from the scrapped description, if you care:
Dillon Brooks: Joffrey.
And that’s all I had. I should have realized at the outset of the project that at least a basic knowledge of GoT characters and story elements would be required to make it work. All I wanted was to be like Bill Simmons and all those other basketball writers who can effortlessly fuse pop culture and basketball geekdom. That’s all I wanted. Was I so wrong to want that?