Reggie Bullock 16 Points Full Highlights (1/27/2018)

Reggie “Ock and Bull Torture” Bullock is giving me Jordan Hill vibes. But these vibes are not the “player comparison” vibes that I usually receive. These are “hair comparison” vibes.

Jordan Hill was sort of a forgotten man before he fell out of the NBA (it actually wouldn’t surprise me if he was still hiding on a roster somewhere as a payroll glitch), but his most distinctive attribute was his artful hair designs. He had dreadlocks of considerable length that he would form into weird ropey sculptures on top of his head. Actually, I don’t know if his hair sculptures were intentional or if that was just what hair looked like when he woke up in the morning.

Now Bullock’s got some dreads going of his own and, if my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me, he’s doing something weird with them in the back. Some of them are standing erect while the rest fall limply across his head. Jordan Hill was a couple years ago and I’ve missed having somebody in the NBA who’s willing to do something different with their dreads. To me, Bullock represents hope for a better tomorrow.

P.S. Is Bullock like ten times better than Stanley Johnson or am I overreacting?

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