I have what some may call an irrational appreciation for Bryn Forbes. He’s just a small mediocre shooter without any other notable attributes, you say. And you may be right. But he holds a special place in my heart because he reminds of love cruelly wrested. He reminds me of Rashad Vaughn.
Vaughn, who is sitting at home right now wondering where it all went so wrong, was unfairly forced from the league after being ruined by Jason Kidd. I still believe in him, but for now the dream is dead. I must continue living the dream in a sort of secondary way by enjoying Forbes as the starting PG for the final year of the famous Spurs dynasty.
Forbes is basically the only PG-shaped object who remains un-injured on the Spurs roster. Thus, he gets to start. He’s not really a passer, but with Popovich’s system, does that matter? It does, but it’s not so bad. Just have DeRozan do a lot of the ball handling and see what happens.