Jeff Green 19 Points/3 Dunks Full Highlights (11/10/2018)

Jeff Green’s just going to keep playing forever, isn’t he? The members of the 2007 draft class, save for the stars, are starting to drop out now. Green isn’t a star, but he looks about the same as he did a decade ago. A team looking for a low-maintenance “scorer” can find a use for him, as long as he doesn’t stick around long enough for everyone to get pissed off at how little he seems to care.

This is where I trot out the tired talking point about how he’s one of the very few players in the league who played for the Seattle SuperSonics. Wow, isn’t that interesting.

I hope Wizards fans aren’t too mad at him for not being better. It doesn’t feel like Wizards fans are feeling anything other than a dull ache at the moment, but there has to be some blame being assigned. I don’t think it’s Green’s fault that the Wizards are so bad. Here comes Austin Rivers!

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