It’s good that Taurean Prince took a little break from being way too good. He ended last season scoring 20 seemingly every game, which was cool at first but then I started getting annoyed. And then he started this season the same way! I thought I was going to have to make a Prince highlight video every Hawks game from now until the trade deadline three years in the future when he gets traded to the Clippers for the husk of Kawhi Leonard.
Happily, he’s hit a rough streak since his hot start, hopefully regressing to a mean that doesn’t involve 20+ points every goddamn night. I am more than happy to provide this video after such a long respite, as long as he only does this kind of thing once every four games or so.
The other problem with endless Prince highlights is every single one is a reminder of my slow-moving sci-fi/fantasy epic novel in progress called “Taurean Prince”. Don’t worry folks, I’m still working on it. After getting stuck on chapter three where our hero is supposed to meet up with a wizard and go on a quest and stuff, I’ve kinda skipped around and written other chapters. Chapter 23 of book 3 is a doozy, let me tell you. I can’t wait until you guys get to read it 10 years from now. Just call me George R.R. Martin for real.