It’s official: that “Want’cho (homonym of ‘Juancho’) three? Got’cho three!” thing that Nuggets commentator Chris Marlowe says is totally played out. It’s over. Done. No need to say it anymore. It was cool for maybe the first 1.5 times it was said, but it’s gotten to the point now where I just want to punch things whenever he says it. Things including but not limited to:
-Japurri Purrker
-Chris Marlowe
-The television
-My outrageously overclocked microwave
The Nuggets commentators have a bad habit of running their little catchphrases into the ground. This is not the first time it’s happened. They had some stupid stuff for Danilo Gallinari back in the day, as well as Evan Fournier. It’s like that they know they are too stupid to make witty puns/butcher foreign languages all the time, so when they come up with something, they have to overuse it to fill airtime.
Aside from the commentary, this was a nice night for Juancho. We’re going to have to start putting asterisks next to performances that come against the Hawks (or Cavaliers), but for now we can just enjoy the 25 points for what they are. Which is: him running in and getting putbacks because no one knows how to box out.